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Multiprocessor Cache Conflicts

In a multiprocessor system such as the Challenge, when one CPU modifies cached data, it broadcasts the fact on the bus. Any other CPU holding that same cache line marks it invalid. If another CPU then needs to refer to the so-called "dirty" cache line, it has to fetch the modified version from the first CPU. This takes even longer than reloading the cache line from main memory.

These conflicts can cause cache delays when the processes in two or more CPUs are working on the same data concurrently. There is no conflict so long as all CPUs are reading the data. Each works from its own cache copy in that case. But whenever one CPU modifies the data, all other CPUs suffer a cache miss on the next access to the same data.

In general the only way to avoid such conflicts is to separate the readers and writers in time. Arrange the program so that data is updated occasionally in a burst, then used for a longer period.

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